Edgemont Farm….

…is where I grew up. Until I was about 14 we lived in a small house tucked into this complex of barns and oaks. Within I could play, learn to drive a mule and just hang out in private fantasies. We believe these structures date at least as far back as the 1920’s although the house itself goes back even farther.

As the later teenage years arrived my father built a house across the road, on what was called the Odom Farm, and continued to farm these and other properties along with my brother until 2016. Just as it looked like retirement might be forced on them, the railroad offered to purchase much of the Edgemont Farm to site a shipping depot. At the time of this writing - New Year’s of 2020 - demolition of this agricultural campus is imminent.

These were all made on film and scanned, unless noted otherwise.